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[M] Fix/Update search result widths on Special:Search
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Thumbnail search results have a different standard width to non-thumbnail search results when interwiki results are present. This is created due to a discrepancy that exists with how core handles cirrussearch results that have interwiki search results and those that do not, and when thumbnails are present

We should:

  • at minimum bring back the status quo
  • possibly use this opportunity to create more consistent appearance for results in older skins

The status quo would consist of realigning to T315322 (Vector 2022 will be handled :

  • ALL Search results + no interwiki - 38em wide (Stock Mediawiki)
  • ALL Search results + interwiki - 60% wide (Stock Mediawiki)

A better option might be to widen all results to a minimum of 50em.

This would:

  • allow more results to appear above the fold
  • would mean greater consistency between appearance when interwiki results are present and when they are not.
  • Better visual alignment with the advanced search tools.

Decision: widen all results to a minimum of 50em

Event Timeline

CBogen renamed this task from Fix/Update search result widths on Special:Search to [M] Fix/Update search result widths on Special:Search.Oct 12 2022, 3:51 PM
CBogen updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 843485 had a related patch set uploaded (by Matthias Mullie; author: Matthias Mullie):

[mediawiki/core@master] Make search results page widths more consistent

Above patch will ensure search results always take up 50em, regardless of whether an interwiki widget is present.
Except, however, in the case that an interwiki widget is present, but the window is not wide enough to show 50em search results + 30% interwiki widget (e.g. on tablets)
In that case, the search results will be allowed to shrink in size - up until the tablet breakpoint (at which point the search results width is roughly equivalent to 25em in old-vector), at which point the interwiki results are no longer displayed & the search results occupy all available space again.

I also fixed a couple of other inconsistencies:

  • the interwiki widget was not properly right-aligned (there was 2% whitespace between it and the right hand side; merely because that positioning solution needed some extra safety space)
  • there was 8% of whitespace between the results and the interwiki widget. I've narrowed that to 5%. Along with the removal of the 2% on the other side of the interwiki widget, the main search results now have 5% more room in cases where the screen isn't big enough to display the results at 50em.
    • note: at 5% between the results and the widget, that still leaves us with 33px whitespace separating them in the smallest screen width that still allows showing both.

Here's what that all looks like:

old vectornew vector
narrowest possible
oldvector-narrow.png (985×707 px, 213 KB)
newvector-narrow.png (820×707 px, 184 KB)
oldvector-wide.png (698×1 px, 216 KB)
newvector-wide.png (693×1 px, 196 KB)

Moving to "blocked" because this doesn't 100% match with T320577. Awaiting feedback before moving forward.

@Sneha Ok if I update the ticket description/AC in this ticket to match what we discussed in T320577?