As a Wikidata data reuser I want to get sitelink data in a simple format so that I can access the necessary data easily
As a Wikidata data reuser I want to get sitelink data without redundant data so that I do not need to process unnecessary data.
Current structure of sitelinks in the Wikibase REST API responses, "inherited" from "Action API's" "serialization" duplicates the information about the "site". This information could be skipped in REST API response without API clients losing data.
Example of a current structure
... "sitelinks": { "dewiki": { "site": "dewiki", "title": "Artikel", "badges": [] }, "enwiki": { "site": "enwiki", "title": "Article Title", "badges": ["Q123"] } ... } ...
Above example using the intended representation omitting redundant information
... "sitelinks": { "dewiki": { "title": "Artikel", "badges": [] }, "enwiki": { "title": "Article Title", "badges": ["Q123"] } ... }
Acceptance criteria:
- GET /entities/items/{item_id} responses contain sitelink data using the intended structure, omitting redundant site field