Our OS Update Policy states that we intend to end the use of Debian Buster by the end of September 2023. For the Search Platform team, there are:
- Ganeti VMs for search-loader
- search-loader will probably be made obsolete by the new Search Updater Pipeline.
- Blazegraph (WDQS / WCQS) does not support Java 11 / 17. We maintain an up-to-date Java 8 backport for Bullseye, so this should not be an issue.
- Individual migrations to Bullseye should be tracked as subtasks
- sudo cumin -b 10 'P:contacts%role_contacts~"Search Platform"' 'facter -p lsbdistcodename' can be used to check which hosts are running which Debian version
- All Search Platform servers are migrated away from Buster