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tbs: user-story 1 - Find a place for the user documentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points



Documentation can be found at:

We need a place for the user documentation for the project.

This task is to find that place and create a placeholder page.

A candidate is

Event Timeline

dcaro triaged this task as High priority.Dec 9 2022, 9:39 AM
dcaro created this task.

A candidate is

This page already exists as a placeholder, and seems to me like the logical place for these docs. Does this need discussion? Have we been considering other options?

A candidate is

This page already exists as a placeholder, and seems to me like the logical place for these docs. Does this need discussion? Have we been considering other options?

Let's wait for the doc writers to ack, maybe @TBurmeister? (no rush, just making sure you did not forget xd)

I don't have any context on this project so I can't provide really specific guidance. My general advice is that you should structure documentation around user tasks, not around the tech you're building, so the documentation should be around things like "how to deploy your first project" and "how to set up automatic deployment" rather than "build_service". You probably already have documentation about many of the user tasks / workflows that this new service will impact, so you should look into updating that instead of creating new separate docs. So, for example, you would probably need to integrate the changes that the new Build Service provides into documentation like this (I am just guessing; I haven't had time to really develop technical expertise in this area of WMCS yet, but hopefully you get the idea behind what I'm saying).

I don't have any context on this project so I can't provide really specific guidance. My general advice is that you should structure documentation around user tasks, not around the tech you're building, so the documentation should be around things like "how to deploy your first project" and "how to set up automatic deployment" rather than "build_service". You probably already have documentation about many of the user tasks / workflows that this new service will impact, so you should look into updating that instead of creating new separate docs. So, for example, you would probably need to integrate the changes that the new Build Service provides into documentation like this (I am just guessing; I haven't had time to really develop technical expertise in this area of WMCS yet, but hopefully you get the idea behind what I'm saying).

That makes a lot of sense! xd

We'll have to think about this a bit, as this building will be part of both starting a webservice, and running jobs, but there's no jobs section here: (there's grid and kubernetes instead).

This might be a bit bigger than just the build service, but affect toolforge docs as a whole :/

This might be a bit bigger than just the build service, but affect toolforge docs as a whole :/

I think it would make sense to push this task back to the backlog, and revisit when we're closer to launch. Alternatively, start a google doc/PAWS notebook as a draft to refine as we go, and draw documentation from it later for the wikis and tutorials.

dcaro changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 28 2023, 10:44 AM
dcaro raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.Mar 6 2023, 2:51 PM
dcaro changed the task status from Stalled to In Progress.May 2 2023, 4:43 PM
dcaro closed this task as Resolved.
dcaro moved this task from Next Up to In Progress on the Toolforge Build Service (Iteration 14) board.
dcaro moved this task from In Progress to Done on the Toolforge Build Service (Iteration 14) board.