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Site notice for Vector 2022 is sometimes not possible to dismiss
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image.png (1×2 px, 645 KB)

Apologies for being unable to exactly state the steps to reproduce, but I've noticed the following on in private browsing with Firefox 110:

  • sometimes, clicking the X button any number of times will not dismiss the site notice
  • clicking through to the link for "We've made a few changes", going back, and clicking the X sometimes does not dismiss the site notice
  • sometimes 2 or more clicks to the X button will close the notice

In the above scenarios, I do not see any JS console errors.

Tagging with Vector 2022 for awareness, since that project has an active site notice, but I can also reproduce this issue with ?useskin=vector. I'm not sure what other project tags to use for site notices.

Event Timeline

My javascript isn't great so someone else should review this but in case it's helpful: I saw this task, investigated a little and can replicate click issues for this banner in any browser I try (chrome, firefox, safari). I think it's due to the onclick event that hides the banner happening on the cbnnr-close-icon element, rather than its container; you can't actually click the blue circular padding on the close icon, so you have to be right on top of the X for the click to register.

Could this be what you're experiencing, @kostajh?

Tagging @sgrabarczuk as I see him in the CentralNotice logs as having worked on the banner.

Pcoombe claimed this task.
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Thanks @spatton, that definitely looks like the issue! I moved the onclick to the close element, and also changed it to an <a> tag for better accessibility. In banner preview it appears to be fixed.