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Data requests from fundraising
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Hey @JTannerWMF! I'm following up on our call last week with some information requests from Online Fundraising. Could you provide this info or let me know if I can explain anything better?

Thanks much, hopefully none of these are resource intensive. I'm really excited to see what we all work on together in 2023.


  • A table / tables showing app page views, installations and monthly active users broken down by country/language (this will help with our own prioritization re: where we run campaigns)
  • Any seasonality trends in app usage (again, re: timing and logistics)
  • Any user research you can share re: who uses the app and when, for what, etc.? Anything behavioral to help us understand the universe better and how it differs from web / mobile.

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.
LGoto added a project: ios-app-v7.0.1.
LGoto moved this task from Product Backlog to Needs Triage on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.

Hi @spatton - We have some of the data for Android and iOS you're requesting from last year and year prior in this Understanding Mobile App Users Q3 2022 deck. I usually update this data yearly but if there's anything you would like latest stats for just let me know.

It would also be good to check out this data and this chart. This qual data is probably helpful as well.

Thanks @Seddon, @JTannerWMF and @SNowick_WMF > some life events happened and this fell down my priorities. Picking it back up!

The links you shared in your initial responses have a lot of great data and insight. We're working on initial estimates for fundraising in-app in more of our key countries; is it possible to get a table of monthly active user counts, Android and iOS, for the following countries?

  • Austria
  • France
  • India
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Sweden

@spatton Requested MAU data for countries for Android and iOS from the past year Data

Let us know if you need any additional info.

@SNowick_WMF, thank you so much. This is great and useful, I have one more related request and then this can be resolved > I really appreciate your time and support on this.

To complete our side, could you please provide MAU data for Android and iOS for the past year for these 6 countries that represent our English Campaign?

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • UK
  • US

Hi @spatton - Data for additional countries is here: Part 2. Note I needed to make some minor changes to the Part 1 countries doc (linked above) to match formatting for this doc, you may need to adjust your numbers if you have already pulled data from that dataset. If you need to consolidate these datasets feel free to make changes, move data, etc.

Hi again @spatton - I wanted to save this data all in one place so I uploaded to tables and made a Superset Dashboard Mobile Apps MAUs by Country. You can download csvs from there and order/reorder if needed. Lmk if you need help getting access.