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Switch mobile Search Preview config to on
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In T320666: [M] Ensure that QuickView mobile functionality isn't released until Milestone 3/mobile MVP is complete we put mobile Search Preview functionality behind a config variable so that when we released desktop functionality, we were able to hide mobile functionality until it was tested and the MVP was ready. Once all Milestone 3 tickets have passed QA, we should switch this so that mobile functionality is no longer hidden on our target wikis (PT, ID, RU). We are aiming to do this after the train rolls out the week of Jan 30th.

Acceptance Criteria

  • configuration setting that turns mobile Search Preview on/off is switched to "on" in our target wikis PT, ID, RU

Note We will do clean up to remove the setting altogether in T326957: [M] Remove configuration setting that turns off/on mobile Search Preview

Event Timeline

This is not required anymore as T326957 has been completed already.

cc: @CBogen

@matthiasmullie Can you just confirm that you expect to backport T326957 into the release and therefore this is not required? I remember we discussed about it, but I want to make sure that I am not providing the wrong info here..

Enabling it via config change would've had to happen separate from deployment train, which would've meant doing it before deployment (running on last week's code) or after (only 1 more deployment slot left, at a rather inconvenient time for any of us)
Removing all conditionals from our repo (T326957) was simpler in this case (and has been backported yesterday); that will deploy per train - alongside the rest of the new code - while accomplishing the same result: it's enabled.
(I'll leave this open until it's actually been deployed, at which point we can close both tickets)

matthiasmullie claimed this task.

Closing this, as it was surpassed by T326957.