User story: As a new page patroller, I want to select who receives my review message, so that I can be sure it is sent to the user who actually wrote the content I'm reviewing.
When marking an article as reviewed, patrollers can additionally send a message to the article creator. PageTriage selects the article creator as the recipient of that message, but sometimes doesn't select the correct editor. This is especially common when a page was a redirect and has been turned into a full article by another user - the user who created the redirect is sometimes (or always?) selected as the message recipient, but the patroller wants to message the user who wrote the article content they're reviewing.
One simple solution to this problem would be for PageTriage to still make a best guess at who the target should be, but provide that user in a drop-down box containing all editors of the page. The patroller could then select the correct target if the original one was incorrect.