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Special:CreateLocalAccount should comply with user's block-bypass permissions
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT



I'm currently using a VPN service, since I'm logged in via a public connection (my IP is currently globally blocked).

I created, while I was logged in, a global account on meta-wiki via Special:CreateAccount with no issues. I cannot create the account in other wikis since my IP is gblocked, even though I have the global IP block exemption on the bot account, which rightly doesn't apply if the account doesn't exist yet there.

So I tried via Special:CreateLocalAccount from my main account on testwiki. The problem is that I can't even create it on wiki where I'm sysop, so currently I've the centralauth-createlocal and the ipblock-exempt rights, via Special:CreateLocalAccount, because I still get a warning that my IP is globally blocked (see also the attached screenshot)!

Probably Special:CreateLocalAccount should comply with user's block-bypass permissions to avoid problems such as these.


Schermata 2023-02-26 alle 12.52.34.png (1×1 px, 224 KB)

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Same goes for the corresponding API, per T322468.

Those are now resolved, can you recheck if this is still an issue?

When you are autocreating your own account by visiting a wiki, permission checks are broken due to T316303: Check global rights during autocreation, but that shouldn't apply when autocreating for someone else.

I'm guessing we are checking ipblock-exempt on the account that is about to be autocreated, not the creator account. Which sorta makes sense from a narrow technical perspective, but isn't what users would expect.

@Tgr Oh sorry, I only noticed the response now. I just checked, and everything is fine!
I forced two creations via Special:CreateLocalAccount on wikifunctionswiki (while connected with a VPN) without any issue, and, checking the IP via CU just for confirmation, I can confirm the users were created via a globally blocked VPN. Many thanks, you can now close the task :D