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No edit button after clicking on a red talk page link on mobile
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Find a page on the mobile site that doesn’t have a corresponding talk page yet. E.g. ru:Полевской сельсовет (Алтайский край)
  2. Click on the red talk page link.
  3. Try to create the page without using DiscussionTools, for example to use an auto-signing template or to add non-discussion content (like a WikiProject template).

Actual result

  1. There is no button to do so, neither in normal nor in “read as wiki page” mode.

Expected result

  1. There is an edit link somewhere on the page that lets you use the (non-talk) MobileFrontend wikitext editor.

Other information

  • If the article doesn’t contain action=edit&redlink=1 (which it does when clicking the red talk page tab), an edit link does appear. The same should happen when the URL contains the parameters.

Event Timeline

Change 909317 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bartosz Dziewoński; author: Bartosz Dziewoński):

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] Use final action name when deciding to display navigation

Change 909317 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] Use final action name when deciding to display navigation

With action=edit&redlink=1


Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 01.13.46.png (1×710 px, 175 KB)


Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 01.14.50.png (1×716 px, 139 KB)

Without action=edit&redlink=1

Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 01.12.53.png (1×706 px, 178 KB)


Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 01.15.16.png (1×708 px, 149 KB)

For clarification: the Discussion button below is displayed as an ingress to the discussion tab since the TopTabs aren't shown anymore. Is this behaviour expected? The button replacing the Top Navigation?

@EAkinloose That's unrelated to the change. It looks like you were testing on the main page of the beta ruwiki (Заглавная_страница), and there's a special behavior for the main page, where it doesn't get the normal tabs at the top. If you test on a regular article (e.g.Википедия), things should behave as expected.

That said, something is wrong with this behavior… once you're on the discussion page, there should be a button to return to the article, replacing the button to view the discussion. Or maybe the talk page of the main page should get normal tabs. But having a button to view the discussion on the discussion page is definitely wrong :) Can you file a bug about this?

@EAkinloose That's unrelated to the change. It looks like you were testing on the main page of the beta ruwiki (Заглавная_страница), and there's a special behavior for the main page, where it doesn't get the normal tabs at the top. If you test on a regular article (e.g.Википедия), things should behave as expected.

That said, something is wrong with this behavior… once you're on the discussion page, there should be a button to return to the article, replacing the button to view the discussion. Or maybe the talk page of the main page should get normal tabs. But having a button to view the discussion on the discussion page is definitely wrong :) Can you file a bug about this?

This ticket is good then. I have filed a ticket on the bug - T335158

EAkinloose edited projects, added Verified; removed Editing QA.