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Requesting GitLab non-external access/account unlock for Mvolz
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Requestor provided information and prerequisites

This section is to be completed by the individual requesting access.

  • Wikitech / GitLab username: mvolz
  • Reason for access - what projects are you planning to host or contribute to: host and/or move services projects on gitlab

Confirmation Checklist for Access Requests

This checklist should be used on all access requests to ensure that all steps are covered.

This section is to be confirmed and completed by a GitLab administrator.

  • - User has provided the following: wikitech username and reasoning for access
  • - User has an existing wikitech username, and has used it to log in to GitLab

If any of the following criteria are met, user can be approved immediately:

  • - User has a history of contributions on Gerrit, Phabricator, on-wiki, etc.
  • - User is vouched for by a known contributor

Event Timeline

Mvolz renamed this task from Requesting GitLab non-external access/account unlock for USER[S] to Requesting GitLab non-external access/account unlock for Mvolz.May 12 2023, 3:16 PM
brennen updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks! I also need to move a repository into mediawiki/services ... I've requested permissions via the button to access the services group, is that all I need to do?

Granted access there - keep in mind it's early days on that namespace and things might get shuffled around a bit!

Granted access there - keep in mind it's early days on that namespace and things might get shuffled around a bit!

Thanks! I'm not seeing the option to set the correct url when importing - it really wants to place any projects under my personal username.

i.e. I am following the directions at

And the "pick a group or namespace" option doesn't seem to be anywhere on that page... permissions issue with my account maybe? (Do I need to be an owner, maybe, not just a developer?)

Mvolz triaged this task as High priority.

Sorry to re-open - it turns out I need this rather urgently (sorry) or, alternatively, someone to un-archive the old respository on gerrit:,general

Either works!

I could also deploy using my private repo on gitlab but I think it's probably wise to avoid that if possible? Though not without precedent :).

And the "pick a group or namespace" option doesn't seem to be anywhere on that page... permissions issue with my account maybe? (Do I need to be an owner, maybe, not just a developer?)

I enabled project creation for "Developers + Maintainers" for the moment - try now?

And the "pick a group or namespace" option doesn't seem to be anywhere on that page... permissions issue with my account maybe? (Do I need to be an owner, maybe, not just a developer?)

I enabled project creation for "Developers + Maintainers" for the moment - try now?

Works, thank you!

Mvolz assigned this task to brennen.

Sorry, one more thing: I was trying to preserve the structure of the original url, which is nested further under services:

My reading of the documentation is that this doesn't work in gitlab because is also a repo.

Is it okay to just put "translators" under "services" directly, or should we create another group i.e. like zotero-dependancies or something? (Because otherwise that would conflict with zotero the repository.)

That was almost good enough, but only being a developer means I don't have access to the settings tab, which means I can't set the default branch to "main" instead of master after I imported it, i.e. here:

So I am able to create the main branch, but not set it as default, or delete the old master branch.

Hmm, I also can't write to the target branch (master, currently) because it's protected.

I don't see anyway around needing to be an owner, because I need to be able to merge pull requests!

Sorry, one more thing: I was trying to preserve the structure of the original url, which is nested further under services:

My reading of the documentation is that this doesn't work in gitlab because is also a repo.

Yeah, correct.

We're still sort of figuring this out, but the pattern I think we intend to use for repos/mediawiki/ (contains various repos with submodules on Gerrit) is:

  • repos/mediawiki/services/ (group)
  • repos/mediawiki/skins/ (group)
  • repos/mediawiki/skins-all (repo)
  • repos/mediawiki/extensions/ (group)
  • repos/mediawiki/extensions-all (repo)

By analogy, I guess I would suggest:

  • /repos/mediawiki/services/zotero (repo)
  • /repos/mediawiki/services/zotero-translators (repo)

I don't see anyway around needing to be an owner, because I need to be able to merge pull requests!

I don't think there's any reason you shouldn't be an Owner on the project itself. I've gone ahead and set that. In the general case it seems like we're going to need to pre-configure a bunch of this stuff for people somehow or another.

You should be able to merge PRs as a Developer role on the project - see the permissions model here:

Who can merge to a protected branch is configured here:

Thanks for the detailed questions. This task is a good reference for stuff to figure out for T335921: Migrate mediawiki/ namespace from Gerrit to GitLab. :)

Thank you so much! There's now a gitlab repo in prod! 🎉