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Tasks for V2 of Watchlist on iOS
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The iOS app in Wikipedia needs to create a watchlist to allow users to track changes to articles they care about. We have deferred some subtasks for the second version of the feature and this subtask will be a reference point and will track ideas related to the next version of iOS Watchlist.


  • Capture features that were cut from V1 that we would want to include in future version of the Watchlist

V2 Must Haves

Native User Contributions Page
As an iOS Wikipedia user, I want to be able to see the contributions of a user who's change I am reviewing through diffs without leaving the app, so that I can understand if a user is a repeat vandal while maintaining the app theme.

Search Feature
As an iOS Wikipedia app user, I want to be able to search for specific edits or contributors, so that I can find an edit to an article I care about in my Watchlist more efficiently.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The search bar should return results as I type.
  • Characters I've typed should highlight in a color consistent with the rest of the app search while respecting OOUI

Include findings from research on MediaWiki:

  • Proposed Watchlist home designs: Overall, users appreciate the Watchlist Home design. They emphasized the need for a robust filter system for customization. They also suggested adding web features like the diff tag and minor/bot abbreviation.
    • 🎨 Design suggests considering a "Visited/Unvisited" state for Watchlist items similar to "Read/Unread" within iOS Notifications (e.g. reduce the contrast of visited items). This change might be tough to be implemented since no service syncs a Watchlist item’s "Visited/Unvisited" state across platforms.
  • Proposed diff designs: Users found the proposed diff designs clear and user-friendly. However, they noted the need to show the edited section in the diff summary and the potential tags.
    • 🎨 Design suggests including tags in the diff view details (Phabricator: T337313)
  • Proposed diff actions: Users appreciated the features such as navigating through changes, undo, thank, watch/unwatch, share, and rollback. They suggested clarity on the difference between "undo" and "rollback". They also proposed the possibility of saving preferred undo reasons for frequent patrollers. They wanted a more straightforward way to adjust and select revisions.
    • 🎨 Design suggests considering a different icon (e.g. heart) or additional label for the "Thank you" action, as it was unclear to participants where the action could be performed (per participant answers in #9).

Adding Filters

As a Wikipedia user, I want to be able to filter search results using the same settings across all platforms (iOS, Android, Web), so that I can find the information I need more efficiently and have a consistent experience regardless of the device I'm using.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • After performing a search, I should see options to filter the results.
  • The filter options should include categories like 'article', 'contributor', 'date', etc. mirroring the filter functionality found on Android and Mobile Web platforms.
  • When I apply a filter, the search results should be updated to only include relevant results.
  • If I set or modify filter settings on one platform (like Web or Android), these settings should be honored on the iOS app, providing a seamless cross-platform experience.
  • I should have the option to save my filter settings so that they are applied automatically in future searches.

V2 Nice to have

Using Watchlist for Explore Feed
As a Wikipedia user, I want the Explore feed to suggest articles based on my watchlist, so that I can discover new content that's relevant to my interests.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Explore feed should include suggestions based on the articles in my watchlist.
  • The app should explain why each suggestion is being made.
  • I should be able to opt-out of these suggestions if I want.

iOS Watchlist Deepdive
Figma file

The decision as to which filters we should adopt will be part of the task to add filters. Some of the first design ideas around the filters include:

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17.10.38.png (1×594 px, 108 KB)
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17.10.26.png (1×592 px, 107 KB)
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17.09.06.png (1×546 px, 125 KB)
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17.10.49.png (1×588 px, 107 KB)
Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 17.08.53.png (1×542 px, 123 KB)

Related Objects


Event Timeline

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Tasks for V2 to Tasks for V2 of Watchlist on iOS.May 23 2023, 2:57 PM
JTannerWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

Can the must haves and nice to haves be written as user stories

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.May 23 2023, 6:22 PM
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.

I updated the user story for User Contributions and search (please have a look). As mentioned, please have a look at how filter functions on Android and Mobile Web then reconsider the user story for Filter. Also please include the importance of honoring the filter settings users have across platform (ex. Web) @RWambua-WMF

I updated the user story for User Contributions and search (please have a look).

For user contributions: I think it looks great! Also I could check the page to see if the user has a reputable edit history
For search: I agree!

Aklapper renamed this task from Tasks for V2 of Watchlist on iOS to Removing inactive task assignee who's not with WMF anymore. (WMF Mobile Apps team: Please do so as part of team offboarding steps - thanks.).Aug 24 2023, 4:59 PM
Aklapper removed RWambua-WMF as the assignee of this task.
Aklapper renamed this task from Removing inactive task assignee who's not with WMF anymore. (WMF Mobile Apps team: Please do so as part of team offboarding steps - thanks.) to Tasks for V2 of Watchlist on iOS.Aug 24 2023, 5:09 PM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: RWambua-WMF.