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Refine how floating elements at the bottom of wiki pages are interacting
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The bottom of wikipages is more and more populated with floating elements, either from Mediawiki features or coming from templates. They can get in each other's way, by overlaping.

Some example of floating elements:

This area would benefit from being better defined, to avoid overlapping elements, perhaps by compartmentalizing where the "core" buttons and the buttons from community templates go.

Event Timeline

On the Italian Wikipedia, some namespaces are affected: in NS "Wikipedia" and "Aiuto" the Help panel button overlaps the toggle/the toggle disappears.

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10-27-23 Aiuto Namespace - Wikipedia.png (1×2 px, 304 KB)

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 10-26-28 Wikipedia Progetto - Wikipedia.png (1×2 px, 287 KB)

Tgr added subscribers: Jdlrobson, Tgr.

This was discussed somewhere else (I can't recall the place) where @Jdlrobson brought up the option of defining a new portlet for this area.