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Android app should allow pinch and zoom or variable font sizes
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Small text is super hard to read.

Version: 1.0.0 (Android)
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:52 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz31765.

philinje wrote:

Pinch and zoom should, ideally, re-format to fit screen width. But as a first step, we could just enable pinch and zoom without any refinement.

Would font size selection (small, medium, large?) be a setting in the Settings menu? Or something right above the page, like just under the search bar?

philinje wrote:

Maybe something can be done quickly for release 1? If not, let's not worry.

Pinch-zoom would I think also zoom the search bar, which .... may not work very well.

We may be able to rig up a font size override of some sort and stick a setting in settings, though, if it's high-priority.

philinje wrote:

not so high priority - follows other bugs

Re-submitted a request for pinch zoom as bug 34293. A global foint size override just doesn't cut it.

Here is a link to the correct task number that was re-submitted by @daniel: T36293: App should allow pinch and zoom of article content. That one was resolved, and another iOS ticket was created later T73004: App should allow pinch and zoom of article content (REDUX). Since pinch zooming doesn't seem to be working on my Android device now, I guess I'll create yet another task.