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Watchlist legend toggle button unreadable on Timeless
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable Use non-JavaScript interface in Preferences / Watchlist. (Why is there a URL parameter to force enabling the RC filters, but isn’t there one to force disabling it?)
  2. Go to your watchlist using Timeless. E.g.
  3. Wait for the page to fully load, including JavaScript run on page load.
  4. Look at the Legend box right to the watchlist options.

Actual result

  1. The [hide] button gets OOUI background color but keeps the link-style foreground color, producing an almost unreadable blue-on-blue color combination.
    Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 13-14-08 Watchlist - Wikipedia.png (211×214 px, 16 KB)

Expected result

  1. The [hide] button gets no OOUI styling – it used to be, and should visually remain to be, a link.


It seems to be caused by the interaction of Timeless’ aggressive OOUI styling and the recent change to use a <button> instead of an <a> for the toggle link (T333357). Maybe Timeless shouldn’t use OOUI styling aggressively, but instead let core/extension developers decide when, how and whether to switch to OOUI.

Event Timeline

Timeless uses what I think Isarra called "pseudo" OOUI styling when the patch was made, not actual OOUI. Probably Timeless should have some more-specific styles for this page.

matmarex subscribed.

This has been effectively fixed by rMWbc9d87ad6015: ChangesList: Use <details> for collapsing of the legend box – there's no toggle "button" any more.

It may be for another bug, but the display is still not perfect: the toggle icon (triangle in front of the summary text) doesn’t appear due to rSTIM resources/libraries/normalise.css:39 (at e33b34517f07):

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 21-09-09 Watchlist - Wikipedia.png (147×211 px, 16 KB)
Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 21-09-49 Watchlist - Wikipedia.png (194×214 px, 16 KB)

Maybe we shouldn’t care about IE8/9 anymore…