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Add InternetArchiveBot to three wikis
Open, MediumPublic


Three Miraheze wikis have moved to WikiTide and have asked us to help them run InternetArchiveBot on their wiki as it did on Miraheze.

The wikis in question are:

Could these three wikis please have InternetArchiveBot set up? Thank you!

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added subscribers: Reception123, Cyberpower678. · View Herald Transcript
Cyberpower678 triaged this task as Medium priority.

I think it's just a simple case of reassigning the already configured wikis from Miraheze to WikiTide.

@Agent_Isai I'm going to need confirmed permissions on all wikis, or write permissions at least. InternetArchiveBot will need the bot flag on all applicable wikis, or the global bot flag. I can't move forward without this.

I've got a concern. The primary wikis that claimed to be migrated are still operating on Miraheze.

@robkam Can you confirm any of these moves? Can you give appropriate access? I noticed scruffy wiki is closed off to the bot on Miraheze and is unable to actually do anything there. I'm also closed off to it.

User rights for InternetArchiveBot on five wikis is now bot. However InternetArchiveBot and Cyberpower678 both need to visit and please, in order to have the user rights set.

I've got a concern. The primary wikis that claimed to be migrated are still operating on Miraheze.

With the possibility of losing Miraheze, like many others I started to migrate my three wikis over to WikiTide. Now that Miraheze seems likely to continue operating, I've kept the wikis there. I'm still going to mirror the wikis on WikiTide so that if it later becomes desirable, I can toggle from one wiki farm to the other.

@robkam Can you confirm any of these moves? Can you give appropriate access? I noticed scruffy wiki is closed off to the bot on Miraheze and is unable to actually do anything there. I'm also closed off to it.

Fixed now, (hopefully).

@robkam where are these wikis going to be primarily running now?

User rights for InternetArchiveBot on five wikis is now bot. However InternetArchiveBot and Cyberpower678 both need to visit and please, in order to have the user rights set.

Thought I did, but I have definitely done it now. :-)

All the user rights should be correct now.

@robkam where are these wikis going to be primarily running now?

Miraheze at least until I'm confident that everything funtions on WikiTide.

Sorry to bother but any update on this?

The wikis are still hosted prinarily at Miraheze.

All the user rights should be correct now.

@robkam where are these wikis going to be primarily running now?

Miraheze at least until I'm confident that everything funtions on WikiTide.

The wikis are now at WikiTide

Just confirming, you have moved away from Miraheze and WikiTide is now your wikis' homes? May I ask what prompted the move?

Just confirming, you have moved away from Miraheze and WikiTide is now your wikis' homes? May I ask what prompted the move?

Yes, WikiTide is now my wikis' homes. Although it might take a day or two to get it all back to normal.

I've been getting better support for any technical issues from WikiTide.

With the merger of WikiTide and Miraheze, I'm going to move the wikis back to Miraheze.

Apologies for the inconsistency - the three wikis are now settled as:

Having the broken outlinks archived is invaluable.