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Include veAutocorrect in discussion tool
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This is a wish from the Reparatursommer board.

The user script veAutocorrect is a helpful tool used in VE.

But it is currently not included in the reduced VE that is used in the new discussion tool. Let's change that!

Adding the user script to the discussion tool would be possible by using a hook. There is already a discussion happening about API hooks or different ways of accessing the toolbar: T265981: Provide an API to hook into new reply editor.

Event Timeline

thiemowmde added subscribers: Esanders, thiemowmde.

Unfortunately this is blocked on significant Technical-Debt and not doable as part of our limited WMDE-TechWish-Maintenance-2023 project. The responsible DiscussionTools team is actively working on the product, is aware of this (via T265981), and will prioritize it when they can.