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HTTP 500 error trying to download as PDF with non-ISO-8859-1 characters in title
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Aklapper renamed this task from Download as PDF doesn't work with other than iso-8859-1 characters in title to HTTP 500 error trying to download as PDF with non-ISO-8859-1 characters in title.Jul 21 2023, 2:47 PM

We have received multiple complaints regarding this issue. Most pages in Chinese Wikipedia contains at least one CJK character, therefore "Download as PDF" is almost unable to work.

Dragoniez subscribed.

The same kind of reports can be found on ja:WP:VILLAGE and ja:WP:HELPDESK as well.

TheDJ subscribed.

I'me seeing the same

curl -v -O "π"

{"type":"","method":"get","detail":"Internal Server Error","uri":"/"}

It seems that the issue might be fixed now ?

Checking the logs, I can see that Proton had lots of errors over the last 2 weeks, which suddenly stopped somewhere yesterday.

Specifically relevant seems to be: Error: Invalid character in header content ["etag"]

Another note, is that it seems we add the Content-Disposition header to the 500 response. Not terrible, but we should probably only add that for 2xx and 3xx responses.

For Tech News, would this be an accurate summary?

It was not possible to generate a PDF for pages with non-Latin characters in the title, for the last two weeks. This has now been fixed.

  • I.e. If I understand correctly from w:en:ISO/IEC_8859-1 "non-Latin" is a simple and accurate description?)
  • I.e. Are we certain the bug has been fixed?

(p.s. Rough-Drafts are always appreciated when you're proposing a User-notice! Otherwise the Tech News editors (like me) have to try to understand a task completely!)


It seems that the issue might be fixed now ?

Agree. Download as PDF works fine for me in zhwiki.

Nobody confirmed, but I'm relatively confident my summary is accurate. I've added it to Tech News.
If it contains terrible inaccuracies, please remove the entry entirely instead of editing it (to prevent outdated translations from being sent) and we can add it next week instead. Thanks!

Shizhao claimed this task.