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Make significant progress towards the development of the course
Open, HighPublic


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Event Timeline

leila triaged this task as High priority.Jul 22 2023, 12:22 AM
leila created this task.

Weekly updates:

  • Invited an instructor for Module 5. Agreed on timelines to prepare material.
  • Extensive search for instructors for Module 2. to be continued.
  • One session of Module 3 is ready for my review.

Weekly updates:

  • I used the opportunity of being in Wikimania and discussed a few of the modules with people in person. I have some good feedback for the Open module as well as recommendations for who to invite for the community and open modules.
  • One sentiment from the week: All people that I talked with in person in Wikimania to share about the course plans deeply appreciated and called out the need for this course. This was a good assurance that we're on the right track and should continue moving forward.

Weekly updates:

  • I have gently picked this task up again with the hope of maintaining some consistent work on it throughout the quarter.
  • Talked with one of the instructors for module 4 (ethics) about planning. Right now I have not prioritized that work under this task as I'd like to understand better the potential dependency between T337883 and Module 4. (We shouldn't create content now that may be significantly different in 6-9 months so some waiting may make sense.)

Weekly update: my summary of this update is "what a past two weeks". I have worked significant hours during both weeks and still I have not managed to open focused time for this. I'm sad about it in some sense. Given what's left from this quarter and the pile of work that keeps arriving on my plate, I won't hold my breath for a significant change here in the coming couple of weeks. I should say that almost every other work that has come my way over the past 2 weeks has been good and important work, so no complaint for that work. I did them with open heart. However, I would love to move to a different place soon where I can go back to being able to open some extended time on my calendar for focus work couple of days a week. (actively working on it with my manager.:)