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Develop the Introduction to Wikimedia Research course
Open, MediumPublic

Event Timeline

leila triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 3 2023, 11:04 PM
leila created this task.

Weekly update:

  • 1 instructor for Module 4 is secured.
  • Diego, Fab, and Miriam will work on Module 3. Tiziano will work on Module 3. Session planned with the team + Tiziano to start tackling Module 3.
  • Pablo will pair with me for areas where I need support for the course.
  • 1 invitation out for Module 2.

Weekly update:

  • Met with the team and discussed Module 3. Some preliminary assignments of folks to content for this module. Further conversations to continue about who does what for Module 3.
  • Reached out to other folks in WMF to ask for resources to work with me as a partner/consultant for building the course. That discussion is ongoing.
  • Reviewed a list of potential instructions for the Open and Free module. A tentative list to reach out to for further explorations in the coming 2 weeks.

Weekly update:

  • No content/instructor update this week.
  • I participated in a feedback session to another course being developed (Scientific Methodology for Wikipedians). With Michel, who is developing the course material we agreed on a few fronts: 1) the audience and purpose of the two courses are different; 2) the two courses can benefit from each others' material as there may be some overlap of material, though not a lot. No overlap of content in the modules we're developing now so no alarm.;) 3) We will remain in touch.
  • I did some ground work to find the education experts who can support myself and the course instructors for preparing some of the material. Ongoing conversations on this front which I hope to see converge by next weekly update.

Weekly update:

  • No update this week.