Author: kuntalemail
required Information to show on my website
I want to show my wiki page text on my web site. The page title is “Metallica”.
I need specific content from page as follow:
1)Summary data (As shown on page right most side in tabular form)
2)Just need basic information of page (Not included Contents list, History and another detail)
I have attached an image for required Information.
I have used API through wikislurp-0.1 library. It is working for get wiki text from Media wiki. But when it parse wiki text then it get error as follow:
Request: POST, from via (squid/2.7.STABLE9) to ()
Error: ERR_INVALID_REQ, errno [No Error] at Wed, 09 Nov 2011 09:43:37 GMT
Another point:
I try to parse wiki text with get method (through URL) but I got whole page data. As I requested above, I required only specific data, is there any method in API or a way to get that specific information.
Please guide me on this.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal