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cloudservices1006 can't talk to the cloud-wide puppetmaster
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Designate-sink, running on cloudservices nodes, connects to the puppetmaster to clean certs for deleted VMs.

Right now that doesn't work from cloudservices1006.

2023-09-05 15:22:53.649 4140106 WARNING wmf_sink.base [None req-6ebffc2f-0319-4c31-a048-0c303b8e653f - - - all - -] Remote command ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-lcertmanager', '', 'sudo puppet cert clean fullstackd-20230905140741.admin-monitoring.eqiad.wmflabs'] failed with output b'' and err b'ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out\r\n'
2023-09-05 15:22:53.654 4140106 WARNING wmf_sink.base [None req-e6784487-32f3-404c-96ed-6e38c44f9fb5 - - - - - -] Remote command ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-lcertmanager', '', 'sudo puppet cert clean fullstackd-20230905144625.admin-monitoring.eqiad.wmflabs'] failed with output b'' and err b'ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out\r\n'

Event Timeline

taavi claimed this task.

Fixed by adding the following firewall rule to the puppetmaster security group in the cloudinfra project:

image.png (49×1 px, 9 KB)

Added this security group rule:

Ingress 	IPv4 	TCP 	8101 	- 	cloudservices1006 (private)

Taavi's is broader, I'll stick with that one