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[SPIKE] Exploratory testing of new font size
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Following T343928 we want to run some QA of the new font size and how it impacts articles and gadgets. This should probably be done by Justin and Edward (Justin should help Edward identify things we would consider problematic).


  1. Run
mw.user.clientPrefs.set('vector-feature-custom-font-size', 'enabled')

to enable font size on one of the production Wikipedia's

(or use url parameter)

  1. Go through various articles noting articles/features where issues relating to font size occur.

Acceptance Criteria

Test the following:

  1. Article/main namespace
    1. Test on at least one article with a large table and infobox
  2. History page
    1. Explore filters, modals, tables, etc
  3. Recent changes
    1. Explore filters, modals, tables, etc
  4. VE
    1. Explore importing templates and other toolbar functionality
  5. Check through remaining namespaces - all other namespaces (

Event Timeline

@ovasileva how would you imagine this one working?

ovasileva added subscribers: JScherer-WMF, Edtadros.

@ovasileva how would you imagine this one working?

@Edtadros, @JScherer-WMF - any thoughts on this? Perhaps I can start with providing a list of pages to test and then we can schedule some time to come up with a plan?

ovasileva renamed this task from Exploratory testing of new font size to [SPIKE] Exploratory testing of new font size.Sep 11 2023, 5:36 PM
ovasileva set the point value for this task to 2.
ovasileva changed the point value for this task from 2 to 3.

Test Result - Beta|Prod

Status: ❓Need More Info
Environment: beta
OS: macOS Ventura
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps
  1. Run
mw.user.clientPrefs.set('vector-feature-custom-font-size', 'enabled')

to enable font size on one of the production Wikipedia's

(or use url parameter)

  1. Go through various articles noting articles/features where issues relating to font size occur.

Acceptance Criteria

Test the following:
✅ AC1: Article/main namespace - Test on at least one article with a large table and infobox

✅ AC2: History page - Explore filters, modals, tables, etc

✅ AC3: Recent changes - Explore filters, modals, tables, etc

✅ AC4: VE - Explore importing templates and other toolbar functionality

❓ AC5: Check through remaining namespaces - all other namespaces (

These are the only issues found:

screenshot 99.png (1×1 px, 308 KB)

screenshot 100.png (1×1 px, 390 KB)

The text in the Welcome box is already small and doesn't change.

screenshot (1×1 px, 852 KB)

@ovasileva @Jdrewniak @JScherer-WMF please see the cases above. ^

These all look expected to me.

@ovasileva @Jdrewniak @JScherer-WMF please see the cases above. ^

These are all expected behaviour. DST will probably want to re-visit the scaling of the dropdown and checkbox in light of the text size changes, though.

Resolving this for now. Will revisit once we begin making changes.