As described in the related task T328936, currently there are two separate versions of the translation dashboard, one on desktop and one on mobile. Our plan is to evolve the mobile dashboard to become the unified dashboard (the only one).
In this scenario, users will be able to access the unified dashboard regardless of their device, but we still want them to use the translation editor that is appropriate for their platform (mobile or desktop). To support this, we need all buttons and workflows that lead to the editor, to direct users to the right editor based on the user platform.
This task is basically an expansion of the T328936 task, to include all buttons/links, other than confirmation step buttons.
The buttons that should be tested for this task are:
A. "Confirm a translation" step
- Case 1: Expand article with new section
- "New translation" button
- "Translate section" button (when section is pre-selected through "section" URL param)
- Case 2: Create new page
- "Start translation" button
B. "Pick a section" step
- Click on section title to select it