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Adjust confirmation step to redirect to the platform-specific translation editor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently there are two separate versions of the translation dashboard, one on desktop and one on mobile. The plan is to evolve the mobile one to become the unified dashboard (the only one). In this scenario, users will be able to access the unified dashboard regardless of their device, but we still want them to use the translation editor that is appropriate for their platform (mobile or desktop). To support this, we need the confirmation step (T276221) to direct users to the right editor based on the user platform.

That is, a user on desktop will be directed to the desktop editor, and a user on mobile will be directed to the mobile one.

New translation - Confirm.png (768×1 px, 374 KB)
New translation - Confirm desktop.png (768×1 px, 347 KB)

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[Please don't add project tags as subscribers; also note that the two images are not "attached" to this task. Thanks!]

Pginer-WMF raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Mar 31 2023, 10:20 AM

Change 909957 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nik Gkountas; author: Nik Gkountas):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX: Adjust confirmation step to redirect to the desktop editor

Change 909957 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX: Adjust confirmation step to redirect to the desktop editor

I experienced an issue that may be relatred to this. I was accessing the mobile version of Test Wikipedia from a desktop device and noticed that when the window was wide it was not possible to start a new translaiton. It seems that the Confirm dialog is redirecting to the desktop experience but keeping the ".m." in the url results in the dashboard reloading instead of starting the translation:

Note that this odes not happen when using a real mobile device or a small window on desktop.
Given that the editor is something that cannot be switched very dynamically (e.g., based on users adjusting the window size in the middle of a translation), we may want to analyze which could be the best approach to determine the device.

For this particular case, I think we could follow a similar approach to the presence (or absence) of the ".m." in the URL. If the user is accessing the editor to use should be the mobile one. this wold support mobile users but also others on desktop that may want to test the mobile version.

Please, feel free to share other possible approaches.

This comment was removed by ngkountas.

This task can be considered as done. Users are now properly redirected from the unified dashboard to the desktop editor when needed. The scenarios that were tested here were "New article translation" by selecting a page suggestion from the dashboard, and "New section translation" by selecting a section suggestion from the dashboard.

Screencast from greek (el) wiki: