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ChipInput: Add read-only state
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Background goal

NOTE: We will not implement this until we have clear real use cases to cover.

Split off from T337095, specifically:

Design sign-off done. I've found two things to fix:

  1. Read-only state is missing


Change 956483 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anne Tomasevich; author: Anne Tomasevich):

[design/codex@main] ChipInput: Implement read-only state

Open questions

Signifying readonly visually and then having ability to interact (remove) FilterChips is contradictory in my opinion and we should limit the readonly ChipInput to FilterChips without remove button only.


We could implement the read-only state for the chip to make them non-interactive. This read-only state will not use the remove button within the chip.

Captura de pantalla 2023-09-13 a las 19.54.47.png (391×717 px, 29 KB)

Design spec

Add Figma spec sheet once it's done

Acceptance criteria


  • Design the Figma spec sheet and add it in this task
  • Update component in the Figma library


  • Implement the read-only state in the Codex ChipInput

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 956483 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; author: Anne Tomasevich):

[design/codex@main] ChipInput: Implement read-only state

bmartinezcalvo added a subscriber: CCiufo-WMF.

As decided during the last DST meeting, we will not implement this read-only state until we have clear real use cases to cover. So moving this task outside the sprint. cc: @CCiufo-WMF

CCiufo-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Planned Component Updates on the Codex board.
CCiufo-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Backlog on the Design-System-Team board.
CCiufo-WMF added a subscriber: AnneT.

Change 956483 abandoned by Anne Tomasevich:

[design/codex@main] ChipInput: Implement read-only state


not moving forward with this work at this time