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Map labels in dark mode have non-transparent background.
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Screenshot_2023-08-17-14-09-11-347_org.wikipedia.jpg (600×270 px, 22 KB)

Screenshot_2023-08-17-14-07-37-780_org.wikipedia.jpg (600×270 px, 21 KB)

Event Timeline

@thesocialdev, Are there any specific notes or information you would like to be considered in the next tickets?

@ARamadan-WMF Would you mind giving the task a name that describes what the bug is?
This will make it more easily searchable and understandable.

This is what's received from the user's email.
Will ask for further details next time and add them.

@GTRus21 Am I correct that the issue is the labels (Москва, Алатырь, итд) have an incorrect dark background?

If so, this is not an issue with Maps, but with dark mode (and other themes).

Dbrant renamed this task from Map bugs to Map labels in dark mode have non-transparent background..Sep 15 2023, 2:23 PM