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[S] MachineVision: remove (or mark as read) all notifications
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The MachineVision creates notifications when files have suggested depicts tags. Remove from the database (or mark as read) all such notifications

Event Timeline

I think that, once the extension is removed (and there no longer is code that recognizes how to handle this notification type), those notifications will no longer be shown.
Notifications also don't grow infinitely; when a user has too many, older ones get purged at some point; so it doesn't *really* need to be cleaned up either.

Let's doublecheck above though, before we close this ticket! :)

MarkTraceur renamed this task from MachineVision: remove (or mark as read) all notifications to [S] MachineVision: remove (or mark as read) all notifications.Jan 11 2024, 7:18 PM
Cparle claimed this task.

@matthiasmullie is correct - notifications aren't shown when the extension is removed