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Data Validation for iOS and Android Donor Experience Events
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Validate Donor Experience feature engagement and banner/promo impression, CTR and donor engagement data for both Android and iOS.

Event Timeline

iOS Data Validation:
I am seeing transaction and most click events, will wait for more data but so far so good.

Second Pass iOS Data Validation: Seeing all events. Noting here that for some action = applepay_ui_confirm AND active_interface = applepay_processed events there is missing campaign_id data which could be stray donos, we can still use for Abandonment Rate metrics.

Second Pass Android Data Validation: Seeing all events. Noting here we are not able to track campaign_id in final webpay_processed event, so we will have campaign specific initiation events but not for success events (we do have access to this data from FR Tech).

Noting here that for some action = applepay_ui_confirm AND active_interface = applepay_processed events there is missing campaign_id data which could be stray donos, we can still use for Abandonment Rate metrics.

@SNowick_WMF I just faked a payment on Simulator, and I did see a campaign ID logged in the console when they go through a campaign modal to donate. It could be that the ones with missing IDs are users who go through app Settings to donate.

Payload when going through campaign modal:

  "app_session_id" : "be997fc540c49b5a98e1",
  "app_install_id" : "EBEC1879-1AFD-4E9A-AAA3-5BAC66D215B2",
  "dt" : "2023-11-08T21:48:37Z",
  "active_interface" : "applepay_processed",
  "action" : "applepay_ui_confirm",
  "action_data" : "donation_amount:2.35, campaign_id:app_2023_enIT_iOS_control,, recurring:false, preset_selected:true, pay_method:applepay",

Payload when going through Settings:

   "app_session_id" : "be997fc540c49b5a98e1",
  "app_install_id" : "EBEC1879-1AFD-4E9A-AAA3-5BAC66D215B2",
  "dt" : "2023-11-08T21:49:37Z",
  "active_interface" : "applepay_processed",
  "action" : "applepay_ui_confirm",
  "action_data" : "donation_amount:2.35, preset_selected:true,, pay_method:applepay, recurring:false",

Thanks @Tsevener I'll dig deeper into data (match the start point with users who are missing campaign_id value) and follow up, that would make sense that only some events will have that value. Data is still validated, was just checking and noting that not every dono had campaign_id.