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Recruit reviewers for Program Committee
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Together with Pablo Beytía (co-chair)

Invite members for the Program Committee. Example from 2023

  • Create shortlist of reviewers
  • Send emails with invitations
  • Designate emergency reviewers


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

weekly update:

  • created first shortlist of potential PC members with ~140 folks. they were selected based on previous activities in Wikimedia research space (PC member for wikiworkshop/research fund in previous years, author of wikiworkshop in previous year, applicant/fundee research fund, showcase presenter, wmf-ray awardee, author of papers on wikimedia research etc)

weekly update:

  • Scheduled meeting with co-chair next week to revise shortlist of PC members and prepare invitiations

weekly update:

  • onboarded @Ptbeytia to the task; we coordinated how to proceed
  • we are in the process of finalizing the shortlist and defining a prioritization of who to invite to the program committee (until next week)

weekly update:

  • finalized shortlist
  • defined target size for program committee and decided who to invite
  • prepared invitation email with timeline for review process (bidding period, etc)
  • next step: sending out invitations on openreview (coordinating with @KinneretG to set this up efficiently next week)

weekly update:

  • checked contact details for potential reviewers
  • set up a co-working session with Kinneret next week to learn about using openreview reviewer invitations

weekly update:

  • figured out how to do the reviewer-recruitment in openreview; sent test invitation to myself and solving some smaller issues (avoid visibility of submitted papers to reviewers before submission deadline)
  • preparted and formatted list of first batch of invitees. I will be waiting for Monday next week to send invites in order to be able to answer to potential questions without delays

weekly update:

  • sent first large batch of invitations to join program committee
  • after 1 week, we have 40 accepts (target size of PC is 50)
  • response rate is 50% so far, so we will send a reminder next week to those who havent responded yet.

weekly update:

  • finalized the program committee recruiting: we have 50 confirmed members for the PC. this is exactly our target to be able to cover up to 100 submissions. if we anticipate that we will receive more submissions, we can re-open the task and recruit more reviewers for the PC.
  • additionally, we have a handful of emergency reviewers for short-notice reviews.
  • task completed