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Organize the Research track - Wiki Workshop 2024
Open, HighPublic


Parent task to capture tasks for organizing the Research track.


Due Date
Thu, Jun 20, 12:00 AM

Event Timeline

leila triaged this task as High priority.Jan 24 2024, 1:07 AM
leila created this task.
leila set Due Date to Thu, Jun 20, 12:00 AM.
leila removed a subscriber: KHernandez-WMF.

@MGerlach I was reviewing the learnings from last year's Wiki Workshop (T334112) and there is one item that is related to your track and that is: we decided to prioritize (based on popular vote) preparing a 1-2 page document that helps Research track chairs learn how to prepare for their session and how to run it more smoothly. Is this something you and Pablo can pick up for 2024? Bob and I would be happy to lend you 2 pairs of eyes for feedback.

@MGerlach I was reviewing the learnings from last year's Wiki Workshop (T334112) and there is one item that is related to your track and that is: we decided to prioritize (based on popular vote) preparing a 1-2 page document that helps Research track chairs learn how to prepare for their session and how to run it more smoothly. Is this something you and Pablo can pick up for 2024? Bob and I would be happy to lend you 2 pairs of eyes for feedback.

@leila yes, I remember that too from the retro. I think we should do that. I added an item to T352545 (Organize sessions for research track) to capture this work.