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Support for Tigre language in Wikidata
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
We would like to kindly request you to add Tigre langauge to the list of Wikidata so that we can start adding content, more info about the lanugage is avaiable here:

Use case(s) (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not describe only a solution):
The language is not currently supported on Wikidata, this request is for adding the language to Wikidata

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
Native speaker of the language will be able to use Wikidata

Event Timeline

The language code tig
Language name in the language itself or English: Tigre
The used script, if not obvious: Geez script
Where and when the language was or is used: by Tigre speakers in Eritrea and Sudan, East African

What type of support do you need? terms, monolingual texts or lexemes?

Aklapper renamed this task from Support for new language to Support for Tigre language in Wikidata.Dec 19 2023, 8:07 AM

No problem with adding this.

However: @Bbeshir I know you've already started localization of MediaWiki into Tigré on If you complete the translation of the most used messages there, Tigré will automatically be enabled for all purposes, including Wikidata support. So I suggest focusing on that at the moment. But that suggestion shouldn't be a blocker for the Wikidata team to add the tig code in the meantime. :-)

@jhsoby thank you for the advise, I am continuring to translate. When the language is added for all purposes, is Wikipedia also included. It would be nice to include that?

What type of support do you need? terms, monolingual texts or lexemes?

It's already supported for monolingual text (example) and lexemes (example). The only thing missing is labels.

@jhsoby thank you for the advise, I am continuring to translate. When the language is added for all purposes, is Wikipedia also included. It would be nice to include that?

Not automatically. Translating the most used messages is one of several requirements to start a new Wikipedia; the most important other requirement is to have continuous activity from several users over several months in the Wikimedia Incubator (statistics). See the language proposal policy for more info.