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Add PayPal Payment Capture Use Case to Payment bounded context
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Acceptance criteria:

  • The payment bounded context has a new use case that allows to capture a one-time payment.

Implementation Details
This needs a number of changes, building on each other:

  • Change configuration T361100: Adapt PayPal configuration to have two return URLS
  • Add method to load Orders to PayPalPaymentIdentifierRepository T361102: Add a database method to find Orders by Order ID
  • Add a captureOrder API method to the PaypalAPI interface and implementation. It should receive an order id (string) and call the "capture order" Paypal endpoint (see ) . It should return the id string from the purchase_units.payments.capture section of the response. This is the Transaction ID.
  • Create use case (e.g. CapturePayPalPaymentUseCase or CapturePayPalOrderUseCase) in the payment bounded context. It should:
    • Receive an OrderID (string) as parameter
    • load the Order with the OrderId
    • call the CaptureOrder method of the API. This will return the transaction ID
    • add the transaction id to the order
    • store the order
    • If everything went well, return a success result object with the payment id and transaction id
    • If the API call failed, or something was not found in the database, return an error result object

Event Timeline

gabriel-wmde renamed this task from Add PayPal Payment Capture to Payment bounded context to Add PayPal Payment Capture Use Case to Payment bounded context.Mar 27 2024, 12:42 PM
gabriel-wmde updated the task description. (Show Details)