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[L] Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for native editing
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Primary target audiences


KR: 2% decrease in edit abandonment
(editattemptstep data)
KR: Engagement with full page editing is comparable to Android
(mediawiki_history data)
KR: Increase in unique user edit rate
(mediawiki_history data)
Guardrail: Passes review from accessibility users


No reports of reasonably fixable bugs with the native editor through the app store or our support email in a 30 day period post release

Measurement Plan
AB test if we see a higher rate of edits per person that engage with the new editor

Engineering notes

This task consists of 3 parts:

  • Appending the hashtag listed on page 5 of the spec to the summary of all edit APIs.

We will also be logging events to two different schemas:

  • Log init, abort, saveIntent, saveAttempt, saveSuccess, and saveFailure actions via the EditAttemptStep funnel in the appropriate locations (see spec) of the new native editor flow.
  • Create a new funnel that points to the app_interaction schema, and add events in the appropriate locations of the new editor flow. New actions are described in the spec.

There should be no need for a new Gerrit patch/MEP schema on the backend. EditAttemptStep and AppInteraction are existing schemas that we are hooking into.

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for full page editing to Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for native editing .Jan 19 2024, 10:45 PM

Noting here we are adding edit type indicators to event_comment data in mediawiki_history which will apply to users who upgrade to new version and use Native editor.

Event commentEdit typeEdit interface
#article-section-source-editorarticle section editnative editor
#article-full-source-editorarticle full source editnative editor
#article-select-source-editorArticle select edit entry pointnative editor
#talk-full-source-editortalk page full source editnative editor
#article-add-descarticle description add (EN and Wikidata)default
#article-change-descarticle description change (EN and Wikidata)default
#talk-replytalk page new replydefault
#talk-topictalk page new topicdefault
Tsevener renamed this task from Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for native editing to [L] Create schema docs and instrumentation plan for native editing .Feb 5 2024, 11:07 PM
Tsevener claimed this task.

Change 998416 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tsevener; author: Tsevener):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add edit_interaction stream config for iOS

@SNowick_WMF I have some more questions for you in the doc, setting this task as blocked for now.

This is also blocked until we deploy the Gerrit config change.

Change 998416 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add edit_interaction stream config for iOS

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-08T14:35:52Z] <dreamyjazz@deploy2002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:998416|Add edit_interaction stream config for iOS (T355265)]]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-08T14:37:31Z] <dreamyjazz@deploy2002> tsev and dreamyjazz: Backport for [[gerrit:998416|Add edit_interaction stream config for iOS (T355265)]] synced to the testservers (

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-08T14:46:05Z] <dreamyjazz@deploy2002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:998416|Add edit_interaction stream config for iOS (T355265)]] (duration: 10m 12s)

@SNowick_WMF These changes are all merged and released to beta testers this morning. Ready for your checks. Thanks!

JTannerWMF claimed this task.

My apologies for commenting on a closed ticket, but there's an enwiki Village Pump thread about this. Could somebody please join that conversation?

My apologies for commenting on a closed ticket, but there's an enwiki Village Pump thread about this. Could somebody please join that conversation?

Hi @RoySmith I have replied on Village Pump thread, thanks for bringing this to our attention.