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Fix no-thank-you reason default
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The code prefilling 'no thank you reason' is not working properly. I think this was already broken for the last few months & the upgrade made me spot it (based on when the CiviCRM code actually changed)

However the question I have for @NNichols & @MDemosWMF is whether I should fix it or remove it - I feel like the business requirement has changed.

What the code should do is fill in the No Thank You Reason when a user enters a new contribution with either 'Manually entered' or 'Stock', if the financial type is Stock. Entering this prevents an automated thank you from being sent.

image.png (305×741 px, 26 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 994872 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Fix no-thank you reason code

Major gifts recently changed their rules to have no threshold for auto TY's from Civi so I'm not sure this is needed anymore. Basically everyone gets an auto thank you if they have an email address. The only gifts we don't send TYs to are matching gifts which all come in on imports (matching check, matching EFT, and Benevity).

Change 994872 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Remove code that sets UI default for no thank you

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 2.
XenoRyet closed subtask T356433: Remove engage UI code as Resolved.