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"Read as wiki page" on mobile talk page has default button styles
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Visit a mobile talk page e.g Scroll down to the bottom and the "Read as wiki page" link

Expected behaviour:

  • Only border is 1px solid #eaecf0 on top

Actual behaviour:

  • Has bottom and side borders from browsers default button styles

en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Talk_David_Lammy(Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra).png (3×1 px, 375 KB)

Guessing this is a side effect of T205341: Replace reset.css rules with ResourceLoaderSkinModule `normalize` feature

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson subscribed.

We moved away from the reset so that extensions could be more opinionated on this (and to fix forms like T353002 which rely on browser defaults). I've therefore posted a fix in DiscussionTools to address this.

I'll make sure we setup some Pixel regression tests for this - as the talk page experience really should be covered by some UI regression tests.

Looks like this feature just got removed in 91d7cdb7042ec8e62d72a96633a8e5c8deb9d455 so will be fixed in the new train.

Yeah, we'd had that open issue to clean this up for a while, so I figured that taking this opportunity when we were otherwise going to have to put work into fixing the feature just made sense.

Pcoombe renamed this task from "Read as wiki text" on mobile talk page has default button styles to "Read as wiki page" on mobile talk page has default button styles.Feb 16 2024, 11:53 AM