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Impact Module: update Thanks tooltip copy
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As an editor viewing my impact module, I want to understand the metrics, so that the data is meaningful to me.


We've received quite a few questions about how certain data on the impact module is calculated. And some of the metrics have limits or data caps to how many prior edits are calculated.

In reviewing the "Thanks received" tooltip info with engineers, it came to my attention that the explanation is incorrect.

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 3.59.09 PM.png (1×490 px, 125 KB)


The copy on the 'Thanks received' info tooltip should changed, since it was discovered the current copy isn't accurate.

The current copy says the metric is limited to "most recent 1,000 edits" but it is actually limited to an editor's most recent 1,000 Thanks received."


Popup button widget.png (183×322 px, 15 KB)


"Wikipedia is created by a community of editors like you. You may be thanked by another contributor for an edit you’ve made, and you can thank others for their edits too. The metric will only include Thanks received for your most recent 1,000 Thanks."


Should we also link our to the Impact Module help page for further information on data:

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I want to learn more about Thanks Received,
When I can click on the module's info tooltip,
Then I can learn the basics
(TBD) And also link out to the associated Growth team help page about the Impact module to learn even more