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[Spike] Re-evaluate pages where night mode was disabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points



When we initially released night mode we disabled night mode on various pages. We should evaluate which pages we should prioritize enabling.

User story

As a user I want to be able to view as many pages on my wiki in night mode as possible.

Acceptance criteria

Sign off steps

  • Create a task for enabling any namespaces

Event Timeline

Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 1.

This should be doable in a single meeting

I updated the spread sheet for all the special pages based off the results from the color contrast tool

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 9.42.27 AM.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)

However, the namespaces are harder to answer, as its harder to get a sense if a "typical" name space is broken (i.e. most category talk pages are empty). After manually testing different namespaces, I decided to mark all the "talk" pages as keep disabled. The rest I evaluated on a case by case basis.

The priorities in the spreadsheet arent completed yet either, could @ovasileva or @JScherer-WMF take a look at the spreadsheet and fill in priorities, and review the results for the namespaces?

thanks @bwang the spreadsheet looks good to me!
@ovasileva @JScherer-WMF could you run through the spreadsheet and create a ticket based on the recommendations here - and ask any questions about recommendations you disagree with? Seems we can enable night theme on quite a few pages!

Thanks for doing this @bwang! It was quite the slog going through this spreadsheet, but we should now have Phabricator tickets covering everything you wrote in the spreadsheet. These are now all in the "Excluded experiences" column