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Determine number of logged-in editors using each skin on a subset of wikis
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We would like to re-run the analysis from T180860: Re-run active editors skin statistics, which looks at the number of users for each skin among logged-in editors. We would like to see what number of logged-in editors on enwiki have opted into the new Vector 2022 skin and compare that to the usage of other skins, for individual wikis

Acceptance criteria

Repeat analysis from T316884, T325193: Determine number of logged-in editors using each skin for the list of wikis below

  • English Wikipedia (default: Vector 2022)
  • Spanish Wikipedia (default: Vector 2022)
  • Chinese Wikipedia (default: Vector 2022)
    • commonswiki
    • wikidatawiki
    • dewiki
    • ruwiki
    • itwiki
    • ukwiki
    • enwiktionary
    • fiwiki
    • azwiki

Previous analyses

Analysis result on Jan 10 2023: T325193
Analysis result on Apr 19 2023: T334021#8799088
Analysis result on September 15, 2023: T345652#9184895


Summary: T361638#9723961
Codebase: link

Event Timeline

ovasileva lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
ovasileva moved this task from Incoming to Analyst Consultation on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
ovasileva raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Apr 15 2024, 8:01 AM


The non-default skin status is pulled from user_properties schema for each specific wiki. Additionally, we consider the global preference, which can override the skin setting on a local wiki. The global skin preference is pulled from the global_preferences schema in the centralauth database.

Both skin preference and global preference reflect the status as of the data collection date, which is April 15, 2024.

Editors are pulled from wmf.mediawiki_history schema. We focus on the non-bot users who have made a minimum of 1/5/60 content edits on a specific wiki between 2023-04-01 and 2024-03-31.

Please note that none of the three editor groups mentioned here are identical to the active editors group that we use for measuring core product metrics. The product core metric for active editors is defined as the number of registered users who have made at least 5 content edits across all projects in the given month. (ref: For this analysis, edits are counted exclusively for the specific wiki.


Full data is in this google sheet.

  • Compared to the statistics from previous analyses, the share of Vector 2022 on April 15, 2024 has shown an increase. On average, the share has increased by 0.21%, for the cohort of editors who made at least 1 edit per year.
  • On Italian Wikipedia, though the share of Vector-2022 among editors who made at least 1 edit annually has seen a slight decline, from 3.16% to 3.10%, among the active editors cohort, who made at least 60 edits annually, the share of Vector-2022 has increased from 9.34% to 9.71%.
  • When broken down by the level of active editing, Vector 2022 has gained a larger share among editors who are more active.

Below table shows the skin distribution of editors who made at least 1 edits annually on specific wiki) as of April 15, 2024.

skin_nameEnglish Wikipedia (enwiki)Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)Wikimedia Commons (commonswiki)Wikidata (wikidatawiki)German Wikipedia (dewiki)Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)Ukrainian Wikipedia (ukwiki)English Wiktionary (enwiktionary)Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)Azerbaijani Wikipedia (azwiki)
Default skinVector-2022Vector-2022Vector-2022VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector

Below table shows the skin distribution of editors who made at least 5 edits annually on specific wiki) as of April 15, 2024.

skin_nameEnglish Wikipedia (enwiki)Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)Wikimedia Commons (commonswiki)Wikidata (wikidatawiki)German Wikipedia (dewiki)Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)Ukrainian Wikipedia (ukwiki)English Wiktionary (enwiktionary)Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)Azerbaijani Wikipedia (azwiki)
Default skinVector-2022Vector-2022Vector-2022VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector

Below table shows the skin distribution of editors who made at least 60 edits annually on specific wiki) as of April 15, 2024.

skin_nameEnglish Wikipedia (enwiki)Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)Wikimedia Commons (commonswiki)Wikidata (wikidatawiki)German Wikipedia (dewiki)Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)Ukrainian Wikipedia (ukwiki)English Wiktionary (enwiktionary)Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)Azerbaijani Wikipedia (azwiki)
Default skinVector-2022Vector-2022Vector-2022VectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVectorVector

The table below shows the adoption rate of vector 2022 among the editors who made at least 60 edit per year in analyses conducted on 2024-04-15, 2023-09-15, 2023-04-19 and 2023-01-09.

WIkiGerman Wikipedia (dewiki)Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)Russian Wikipedia (ruwiki)Ukrainian Wikipedia (ukwiki)
Default skinvectorvectorvectorvectorvector
Share of vector-2022 on 2024-04-153.57%1.65%3.10%3.36%3.65%
Share of vector-2022 on 2023-09-153.46%1.48%3.16%2.73%3.46%
Share of vector-2022 on 2023-04-193.08%1.39%2.83%2.35%3.03%
Share of vector-2022 on 2023-01-092.15%1.05%1.88%2.10%2.00%