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Automatically include a report link as part of Automoderator's edit summary or in the page history
Open, MediumPublic5 Estimated Story Points


User story: As a Wikipedia editor, I want to report a false positive for an Automoderator edit which I found in a page's edit history, so that the reverted edit can be reinstated and Automoderator's accuracy can be improved.

We want it to be as easy as possible to report a false positive with Automoderator. Many anti-vandalism bots include a link to report a false positive as part of their edit summary, which is a pattern we would like to replicate. A simple option is to just include this as part of the text of the edit summary, and this is likely how most edit summaries will be configured to start.

We could do more, however, to make a 'report' link more obvious in an edit summary, or next to Automoderator's edit in a page history. One idea we had was to include a 'report' link next to 'Undo' and 'Thank' in page histories. We could even replace the 'Thank' link, since there is little purpose in Automoderator receiving thanks.


Example.png (59×724 px, 11 KB)

Event Timeline

@OTichonova In the design the report link replaces Undo - we should chat about this because my feeling is that it should replace Thank instead. Experienced users should still be able to undo Automoderator, but newer users may only want to report - if they're less confident.

EDIT: This is the RecentChanges example, where there is no Undo link, so I was mistaken in making the assumption Undo had been replaced.

jsn.sherman set the point value for this task to 5.