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QA Japan App Fundraising Banners [May 28]
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Japan iOS and Android App Fundraising banners will be starting on May 28. This is the task to check them over right after launch and ensure they are displaying correctly.


For both Android and iOS banners, verify that

  • Ensure banners are displaying to the correct audience in the correct language
    • With a system language of English, location set to JP, view an article on English Wikipedia, and ensure the banner displays
    • With a system language of Japanese, location set to JP, view an article on Japanese Wikipedia, and ensure the banner displays
    • With a system language of Japanese, location set to US, view an article on Japanese Wikipedia, and ensure the banner does NOT display
  • Functionality banner works as expected (click through, no test donations expected)
    • Donate
      • GPay flow for Android
      • Other payment method for Android
      • ApplePay flow for iOS
      • Other payment method for iOS
    • Maybe later
    • I already donated
  • Attach screenshots of the banners to this task, English for Android & iOS, Japanese for Android & iOS (4 in total)

Event Timeline

HNordeenWMF renamed this task from QA Japan App Fundraising Banners to QA Japan App Fundraising Banners [May 28].Apr 26 2024, 5:22 PM
HNordeenWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up Next on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.
JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up next on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Working for me on the production (store) build for both iOS and Android