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Empty appearance menu on New Vector
Closed, InvalidPublic


I am seeing this empty "Apperance" menu on English Wikipedia at the moment:

image.png (134×280 px, 5 KB)

image.png (470×498 px, 36 KB)

The should not be there unless there's some content to show on it.

Seems like this started on wmf.3?

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@taavi - thanks for the report! We're trying to reproduce from our side. If you can, would it be possible to check if you are opted into the "Accessiblity for reading" beta feature (available in the beta tab of your preferences)? Also, does it still appear if you're using the old parser?

This is with that beta feature enabled, without it the entire menu is gone. Somehow seems like switching to the old parser and then back new made the problem go away. So unless you can reproduce somehow I am tempted to blame this on some cache issue between wmf.2 and wmf.3 functionality. (The page in the screenshots is, in case that's relevant somehow.)

Per @Jdlrobson "My guess is that html was loaded from wmf.2 during the deployment alongside js from wmf.3. That would manifest just like that. I wouldnt worry about it. This scenario occurs every deploy when HTML changes for a period of 5 minutes."

Closing. This does look like a caching issue. We can reopen if we learn further information.