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New WikiShootMe-like upload wizard for Commons campaigns
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Implement a new image upload functionality that is more focused than the existing Commons Upload Wizard. (Does it matter whether it's a tool or a MediaWiki extension?)

The interface should probably be map-based, because it's an engaging way to display both what we have and what's missing near you. (Are there other visualisations with potential?) The map shows Wikidata items and allows the user to pick one and upload a new image for that item.

User story: As a new contributor, I want a clear and easy way to find an opportune photography task that I believe I can make.


  1. Find out that there is such a functionality and launch it.
    1. See a banner which links to the interface.
    2. See a button in the commons toolbar.
  2. Browse the opportunities and pick one.
    1. List
    2. Map
    3. Map filtered by categories / instances.
    4. Allow the user to create a new item where there aren't any.
    5. Somehow show opportunities that cannot be shown on a map.
  3. Choose how to contribute.
    1. Pick an existing file.
    2. Take a new photo.
  4. Select the file or take the photo.
  5. Add all the necessary metadata.
  6. ...

Stumbling points:

  • User needs to give the location permission.
  • User needs to create an account.
  • (If external app: give the OAuth permission.)
  • ...

Necessary features:

  • Filter the items shown either based on a campaign config or by type chosen by the user.
  • ...