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Upload wizard takes depicted element Wikidata QID as a URL parameter
Open, Needs TriagePublic


To do list:

  • Upload Wizard gets a Q id from the URL parameters and sets it as the default value for the depicts statement.
  • Validate that the query string parameter is a QID
  • If there is a default value for the depicts statement, automatically submit the metadata step and go to the next step. For this,

let's have a variable "skip-metadata-step" or similar at the config.

Event Timeline

Hello @matmarex! We are looking for people to review and hopefully merge our pull request to the upload wizard
Can you help us with this? Thanks!

Change #1027318 had a related patch set uploaded (by Piracalamina; author: Piracalamina):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Read depicts default value from URL

See T327009 for a more generic approach. Instead of using &depicts=... it suggests &property=statements (such as &P180=Q10884).

See T327009 for a more generic approach. Instead of using &depicts=... it suggests &property=statements (such as &P180=Q10884).

I think we could still change the patch set to work like this. During the hackathon, I thought &depicts=... would be quicker to implement first, but actually it might require more changes to code when taking into account the review comments.