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Watchlist tabs display the very same content
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Watchlist on mobile view has 4 tabs (all, articles, discussion, other). This allows users to triage their contents a little bit.

WL.Jpeg (730×1 px, 86 KB)

Pages fall under each category, based on namespaces (article, talk, other)

All tabs display the same content, contents aren't filtered by namespaces.

pages tab.jpeg (701×1 px, 88 KB)

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I confirm this very recent problem raised by Trizef. It is very troublesome and does not aloud anymore to look into each tab, which becomes very quickly saturated because of the huge flown of useless information. Could you please revert to the former and practical system which was valid for (at least) the last four year? On a more general note, could you please TEST your changes before doing them? That would be more practical, indeed…

Jdlrobson added subscribers: ovasileva, Jdlrobson.

This special page is not being maintained and is using unstable code and hasn't seen any changes in 5+ years. Just like a house left alone it is now starting to fall apart 🙃. My guess from a quick glance is that the underlying database changed and it silently stopped working as the SQL query it uses is no longer valid.

@ovasileva unless we prioritize rewriting this code to retain the status quo I think we'll need to turn it off in favor of the desktop version. These versions look practically the same except some minor CSS differences (which I think we could change with the right prioritization) and the contents/way filtering occurs

I've enabled it on beta cluster if you want to take a look:

The form is currently hidden when AMC is disabled but could be enabled there if needed.

Let me know if you have any opinions/concerns otherwise I'll push this forward before we get bigger problems!

Current watchlist on mobile:

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 5.47.01 PM.png (1×2 px, 200 KB)

Proposed watchlist on mobile (with no additional changes):
Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 5.45.58 PM.png (986×1 px, 108 KB)

Possible watchlist on mobile (with the form enabled rather than hidden)
Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 5.54.19 PM.png (1×1 px, 202 KB)

What would be the reasons of not providing the desktop version on mobile? Is there anything not mobile friendly there? (I tested it on my phone, but I think I'm biased as I'm used to watchlist.)

The initial version would drop filters per namespace and would show all edits together regardless of namespace. I'm not sure if people would consider this disruptive or not. Editors would have to opt into the "Advanced mobile mode" to get the form with filters.

The initial version would drop filters per namespace and would show all edits together regardless of namespace. I'm not sure if people would consider this disruptive or not. Editors would have to opt into the "Advanced mobile mode" to get the form with filters.

I like this option. The main reason here is that, especially on mobile, we see usage of the watchlist for non-editing purposes, although the changes tab is more editing specific in general. @Jdlrobson - would this cause any changes to the view and edit watchlist tab? If no, I think we can go ahead.

I guess it’s my task to remind you that due to this very recent dysfunction the four duplicated tabs get saturated with administrator request and therefore doesn’t aloud the full list of pages to be seen by the user, thus making it fully unusable anymore.

The mobile watchlist has been disabled in T109277 which should have resolved this issue. The watchlist now mixes all namespaces. For filtering, you can enable "Advanced mode" in the setting menu.

I wonder why this request was mistakenly closed a few minutes ago. The problem is still the same and is pending. Nothing has apparently been done to solve it!

…Also could not find any « advanced «mode » on my terminal…Strange way of solving problems…

What website URL are you using?

This is what you should be seeing:

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 4.14.11 PM.png (1×2 px, 287 KB)

The categories have been disabled as they are not functional, and filtering in this way is no longer supported.

If you enable advanced mode via settings you can add filtering:

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 4.14.32 PM.png (1×2 px, 267 KB)

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 4.14.52 PM.png (240×2 px, 48 KB)

Then the watchlist should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 4.15.19 PM.png (1×2 px, 304 KB)

The website I have been watching is:écial:Liste_de_suivi&watchlistview=feed&urlversion=2
and it worked perfectly for the past four years…until recently, where everything is mixed, thus saturated and it’s a real burden to find back the pages I am looking for, when not erased because of junk saturation.
I am longing to come back to the previous situation until very recently.
It’ stressful and disappointing, really…and became very inefficient from the changes on…

Hey @Sadlerhm sorry to hear this.

Copy the following code into and save the page and this should get you your filters back:

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 10.14.35 PM.png (1×2 px, 147 KB)

.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist, { display: block !important; }
.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist  .oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-handle,
.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist .mw-rcfilters-ui-watchlistTopSectionWidget-watchlistDetails,
.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist .mw-rcfilters-ui-watchlistTopSectionWidget-savedLinksTable,
.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist .mw-rcfilters-ui-watchlistTopSectionWidget-editWatchlistButton { display: none; }
.ns-special mw-special-Watchlist   .mw-rcfilters-head { min-height: auto !important; }

Let me know if that helps?

I clicked on it but it says :
« There is currently no text in this page »
Also, I have no idea where to put a code and how.
Reminder : I am using an iPhone.

@Sadlerhm try the watchlist now - does that work for you?

Thanks for your efforts but :
• I have now one tab and not 4 tabs among which I can choose
• the modifications beggining with WIKIPEDIA, such as requests to administrators, are still polluting (and I guess saturating) my list on one tab.

@Sadlerhm Avez-vous essayé de filtrer votre liste de suivi par espace de nom ? Vous pouvez sélectionner (Principal) dans la liste pour n'avoir que les articles. Une fois cette sélection faite, elle sera sauvegardée.

Merci Trizek de revenir vers moi. Est parce que je suis bête ou bien que j’utilise presqu’exclusivement un terminal mobile (ou les deux!) mais je n’ai pas vu apparaître « principal » dans la longue liste offerte par filtre.
De plus, plutôt que d’utiliser des onglets qui étaient bien pratiques, je devrai désormais changer le filtre dans cette monoliste chaque fois que je veux voir une rubrique différente? Lourd et pénible, non?

Trizek, je suis toujours dans la même situation…