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Sections titles with "<...>" do not carry forward the text within that portion to the automatic edit summary
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Edit a section with a < in the header
  • Do not change the default /* header title /* code

What happens?:
Header does not include the < and anything after it.

What should have happened instead?:
Edit summary should include < and any subsequent text.

  • In example one, should be /* Test section <1> */
  • In example two, "<0/1/0>" should be included at the end of the title

I don't think this is directly related to T358810 since that was fixed a while ago, but it is a similar-enough issue that I figured it was worth mentioning.

As a note, this for whatever reason doesn't seem to be affected by having the < last, see for example this diff which shows the section link properly.

Examples available at:

Event Timeline

Xaosflux renamed this task from Having < in headings leads to edit summary errors to Sections titles with "<...>" do not carry forward the text within that portion to the automatic edit summary.Fri, May 10, 4:50 PM
Xaosflux updated the task description. (Show Details)

Note from testing at

This appears to WORK when using discussion tools, but fails when using the wikitext editor with automatic summaries

Based on reports in this appears to have broken between 2024-04-04 and 2024-04-10

Strike this, the working one seems to have used DT - still looking for an example of this working with wikitext

Note that the last time this worked was (29 Feb 2014), which was before T358810 was filed.

Note that the last time this worked was (29 Feb 2014), which was before T358810 was filed.

That one appears to be via discussion-tools as well though, are you positive it was not? This bug only seems to be presenting under wikitext section editor right now.

You are correct, I forgot to double-check for that. As indicated at the on-wiki discussion, this might have never worked as intended (a 2014 edit shows the same issue).

Note from testing at

This appears to WORK when using discussion tools, but fails when using the wikitext editor with automatic summaries

Discussion tools has a smarter way of generating the section link in the summary: it generates it from the heading in the parsed HTML, rather than directly from the heading wikitext. This is a bit more difficult to do in the normal editor, where the possible kinds of edits are not constrained.