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[S] Insert images with default alignment
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When inserting an image from the app, users can choose the "image" option from the editor toolbar to select an image, add a caption and alt text, and then insert the preformatted wikitext. We have a set of default parameters that are applied across wikis, and they can be changed by the user by opening "Advanced Settings"

image.png (2×1 px, 108 KB)

We insert the right parameter as the default, regardless of if the language is Left-to-right or Right-to-left (RTL).
image.png (2×1 px, 410 KB)

According to, the default horizontal alignment should be right for left-to-right languages, and left for right-to-left languages.

User stories

As a new editor on Arabic Wikipedia, I want to add images to articles in the correct way.
As an experienced editor on Hebrew Wikipedia using Add an Image, I want the default to be correct so I don't have to return to the article to correct the Wikitext each time after inserting an image.

  • Ensure default alignment for images added through the apps is right for left-to-right languages, and left for right-to-left languages, unless the user selects a different alignment explicitly