In T343123#9813736, the Mobile Team reported an issue where the article-descriptions LiftWing API returns a 404 when an encoded colon is used in the request URL. We have been able to reproduce it as shown below:
curl -X POST -d '{"lang": "en", "title": "Clandonald", "num_beams": 3}' -H "Content-type: application/json" {"httpReason":"Not Found","httpCode":404}
We ran the article-descriptions model-server on the ML sandbox and the URL with an encoded colon returned a prediction without any issues:
curl localhost:8080/v1/models/article-descriptions%3Apredict -X POST -d '{"lang": "en", "title": "Clandonald", "num_beams": 3}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" --http1.1 {"prediction":["Hamlet in Alberta, Canada","human settlement in Alberta, Canada","Town in Alberta, Canada"],"blp":false,"lang":"en","title":"Clandonald","num_beams":3}
We are going to investigate whether there are network settings on LiftWing causing this issue.