After several years of slow effort we have now replaced the mobile versions of Watchlist, History, Contributions without the desktop HTML. We can now remove > 1000 lines of code.
User story
As a developer I don't want to be confused by code that doesn't do anything.
Acceptance criteria
- Merge the patch
- Drop includes/specials/SpecialMobileWatchlist.php
- Drop MobileSpecialPageFeed as its no longer used.
- Fold MobileSpecialPage functionality into SpecialMobileOptions
as the last page that is using it
- Fold MobileUI functionality into SpecialMobileOptions as the last
page that is using it
- Hook MobileSpecialPageStyles is removed without deprecation
as it is not used anywhere
- Rename test to MobileSpecialMobileDiffTest since it tests
the MobileDiff page
Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?
No communication necessary.
Rollback plan
This code is not enabled anywhere so should not be doing anything. It is safe to revert if unexpected errors occur in production.
This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous