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Community updates module: audience targeting
Open, HighPublic5 Estimated Story Points


User story & summary:

As a new editor visiting my Newcomer homepage, I want community updates to be targeted and relevant to me, because otherwise it's just a distraction.

Parent task: T360485: [EPIC] Newcomer homepage: Community updates module (FY23/24 WE1.3 / FY24/25 SDS2.1.3)


Community updates: Figma designs for Homepage module.

Community updates: Figma designs for the configuration form.

NOTE: Figma designs show the end state of the MVP release. This task only covers the Community Configuration settings and logic for targeting related to the module.
Acceptance Criteria:

Community updates Configuration form:

  • Add Minimum number of edits a user must have to be shown this banner field
  • Validation: TBD

Given I'm logged in and have Display newcomer homepage checked,
When I visit Special:Homepage,
AND the Community Updates module is turned on at my wiki (enabled in Community Configuration)
AND my edit count matches the edit count range specified in Community Configuration,
Then my homepage will include the Community Updates module.

Event Timeline

@JFernandez-WMF: reminder to consider if rather than a "Minimum number of edits..." field, we should consider having checkboxes for who to target (and allow for selecting multiple groups). We could roughly mirror the Recent Changes filters: Newly registered account holders (0 edits), Newcomers (1-9 edits), Learners (10-499 edits), Experienced editors (500+ edits). That limits flexibility, but might be less confusing for admins when they configure the form? We also discussed the option to have these defaults, but also add a free-form field.

Personally I would suggest excluding the free-form field idea until after the pilot experiment (to limit complexity). But I'm OK with whatever you suggest here.

KStoller-WMF set the point value for this task to 5.Tue, Jun 11, 4:30 PM